verba sunt fortiorem quam gladius


An interesting read from Blake Landau’s Post in the Huffington

The first thing I love about the film Gravity is the resourcefulness, courage and bravery exhibited by a powerful female lead Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock).

However no matter your gender the film serves as a strong reminder about facing your fear and triumphing over adversity despite overwhelming odds.

For most of the film we — the audience — flail and panic alongside Dr. Stone. But mid-way through the movie Dr. Stone reaches a pivotal moment in her hero’s journey.

There is a scene that best captures her rebirth in which we see Stone floating in a fetus-like position. Soon after Dr. Stone morphs from a frightened and anxiety ridden woman to an unshakeable warrior — alone in the abyss — who fights for her life.

This moment in the film provides a turning point in the character’s story. She has a renewed will to live. She exhibits the clarity and steadiness she needs to get home.

The film reminds us that all people must go through their own journey. Even with the comfort and luxury of planet Earth — where we are outside the food chain with every need met with 1000 options — the hero’s journey still exists within every individual. Even in the era of lattes, Facebook and alumni networks individuals must dig deep for the strength to overcome adversity. Have you noticed that the more adversity an individual must overcome, the more powerful their core sense of self is? This can also be called a resiliency muscle.

This resiliency muscle is critical in thriving in times of change. Change can be extremely uncomfortable. But what if an individual’s ability to sustain uncomfortable situations will determine their ability to get home?

How resilient are you in your ability to keep up with the rate of change, or even lead it?

We can compare Dr. Stone’s ability to anchor herself while floating in space, ultimately alone — with the individual struggle to not only overcome fear and isolation on the hero’s journey, but master it.

Your ability to stretch your resilience muscle will determine your ability to find success in life. But strength doesn’t always come from the obvious source.

You are entirely in charge of how anchored you feel, particularly in times of change. In an age where humans have more comfort than ever, learning how to live with being uncomfortable can be an important predictor of success. But people have forgotten how to be uncomfortable. The reliance on phones means less time actually sitting with silence — with nothing in your hands. Has an inability to be quiet with oneself made the individual less powerful in their own lives? I believe it has, but there are things you can do to gain control and order back in your mind and your spirit.

Today we’re taking three cues from Gravity. Here’s what we can learn.

1. Stay calm by watching your breath, every day.In the beginning of the film Dr. Stone’s inability to control her breath while spinning uncontrollably into space, detached — almost kills her. For much of the film the viewer is guided by the audio of Stone’s panicked shallow breathing. Much of the film the concern is around Stone’s oxygen tank — that it will run out. What if I told you that effective deep breathing is a critical aspect of resiliency? Do you personally follow your own breath? Try this. Take just a few minutes a day and lay on the floor with your eyes closed scanning your body. Take five to ten deep breaths from your belly. Additionally during times of extreme stress or pressure ask yourself where you breath is. You will find these exercises very helpful in creating more clarity in your mind and relaxation in your body.

2. Let go, trust the process. In the beginning Stone is so nervous she drops equipment. Her senses are dull — her reactions are delayed (as displayed by her inability to stop working when asked). Nervous, awkward and anxious she isn’t operating at full capacity. Fast forward to the Russian space craft and she decides to let go — turn off the oxygen in the tank. The missing link to her emergency landing comes to her in a dream. This is an important reminder that trusting the process is the first step in trusting yourself. The rules are vice versa as well. Trust yourself and the more you trust the process. Do you ever notice that when you “stop caring” all the things you’ve been pushing so hard for finally fall into your lap? This is one of those crunchy rules of the universe but it’s true. Understand when to let go.

3. Find time to be quiet. The world today is rarely quiet. The constant device noise is the soundtrack of your life. Arguably, hearing the swoosh of an email alert or the ding of a text on your phone serves as true validation. All the noise serves a purpose. But what is the lack of quiet time doing to your brain? In the film Dr. Stone says her favorite thing about space is the silence. A New York Times film critic says this best, “For all of Mr. Cuarón’s [film director] formal wizardry and pictorial grandeur, he is a humanist at heart. Much asGravity revels in the giddy, scary thrill of weightlessness, it is, finally, about the longing to be pulled back down onto the crowded, watery sphere where life is tedious, complicated, sad and possible.” The tediousness of the drama people create in their lives takes away from the human ability to process — to create calm. Find pockets of quiet and calm in your day — like your life depended on it.

In conclusion find time every day to be quiet with yourself. You will find yourself stronger and more capable of facing fears and overcoming adversity.

Tell me what did you think of the film? What was your lesson learned?

Here’s the link to the original post

The epitome of Motion Art- Gravity


One of the biggest mistakes of my life was not being able to see this masterpiece on a first day first show. Don’t worry this review doesn’t contain any spoilers because if it did I would be robbing you of the pleasure to miss this out-of-the world magnum opus. So leave whatever you’re doing and rush to your nearest theater, it is recommended to watch this movie in 3D especially IMAX 3D.
Till now, I have seen 802 movies (as per my IMDB Ratings); before watching Gravity, at the helm of all these movies was the 2008 Christopher Nolan directed movie, “The Dark Knight” which had transcended all superhero movies in particular and all movies in general. When “The Dark Knight Rises” was released I had anticipated that the sequel may dethrone “The Dark Knight”, but it didn’t, so from July 18, 2008 to October 21st 2013, “The Dark Knight” held the spot until “Gravity” happened.
Sandra Bullock has given a riveting performance complemented with George Clooney’s limited but nonetheless convincing presence. Steven Price has composed an outstanding score which is not only hypnotic but radically different from the best of the best Hollywood scores. The list of greats like Hans Zimmer, Alexandre Desplat, Thomas Newman, and Howard Shore has another name to it. This is one movie where one is bound to be intrigued to know the person behind such awe inspiring score. Emmanuel Lubezki has created a benchmark in cinematography making others to compare their work to this movie’s cinematography. The techniques used are jaw-dropping and the view of the space will make you mesmerized. The opening sequences of the earth as seen from the low earth orbit are breath-taking and spectacular. The chances for majority of the humans to visit space is quite slim and this is the next best thing one could witness.
This movie, with its simple plot, flawless execution and meticulous details will stand the test of time. If I could rate this movie more than 10 on a scale of 10 I would do so without batting an eyelid, but for the time being it’s a perfect 10 from me. I thank Alfonso Cuaron for giving us this masterpiece. I would conclude this by saying, ‘’Movie is nothing but an art in motion and if I am asked to represent it in one word its- Gravity”. I intend to see this at least twice more. Rush to your nearest theater to witness this flabbergasting experience.

The Dog that everyone loves

A friend of mine recommended me to watch this movie called “Hachi”, the first thing that came to my mind was, “Is it a Japanese movie?”, let’s face it we don’t develop the taste for watching a movie from another region quickly. To argue my contention ,my friend said that this movie will certainly bring tears to my eyes, I really doubted that as I am one hard soul. So I saw the movie, before watching any movie I always go through IMDB or any other site to get an idea about it.

So watching the poster I said to myself, “Hmmm… Richard Gere is there, must be worth a watch.”. The movie is about this Akita dog and its master and the bond that they share which transcends the relation between “Man and his best friend”. It’s a movie about loyalty, family and sticking by our near and dear ones no matter what. It’s a very touching movie, one that really touches your soul. The movie didn’t make me cry but it really made me sad at the end.

Its one of those very few movies which you can enjoy with your family on the weekends.

I am a Poet and I didn’t know it

This phrase aptly applies to me, I had to compose 2 poems on “Sky” and “Light”. Apparently both the titles are from my name “Aakashdeep”, “Aakash=Sky” and “deep=Light”. Honestly speaking I composed the poem while I was in the washroom and was busy doing what every human has to do daily, not getting to the details of that. Fortunately the poem turned out to be good and I was sky high, such were my aspirations that I even thought of some classic pen names for myself like “Lord Sky” or “Light Saber”, though the latter one caught my attention from “Star Wars” as all of you must be aware of. The first composition is as follows-


I have been here since a long time,

Before there was orange or sweet lime.

I provide you abundant rain,

without which there would be no grain.

My ozone layers protect you from UV Rays,

Yet you are busy having Coke and Lays.

I have seen Hitler grow, Nuclear Bombs blow,

Yet I am fascinated by Gandhi and King’s show.

You pollute me, besmirch me,

But I don’t charge you anything because my air is free.

Alas a time will come when I’ll be no more,

and my legacy will be nothing but a folklore.

I wonder if I can compose such a good composition while in the washroom, what will be my proper one be like.

The Vow

I never enjoyed watching Rachel McAdams and a friend of mine who happens to be a great fan of hers recently gave me a movie called “The Vow” which reluctantly I ended up watching. I have watched numerous movies starring McAdams and never felt her performance was up-to the mark but this movie has changed my perception to quite an extent, the same goes for Channing Tatum, who has graduated a lot from being the soccer kid in “Shes the man” to the street dancer in “Step Up” or even in “G.I Joe”. To me romantic movies are a pain but Iindeed enjoy watching the movie. The movie is about a couple who have a very happy married life until something happens and changes their life. The couple encounters a mishap, due to which Mcadams looses her memory and doesn’t recognize Tatum. Then Tatum tries to convince her about how much in love they were but she doesn’t remember anything, eventually breaking up with him. But as the time passes she starts realizing the person she had been, although she never regains her memory and her affection towards Tatum rekindles, ending the movie as they walk hand in hand.

Brace yourselves, hear comes the Leap…

Ever since I saw “Minority Report” I was fascinated with the way Tom Cruise interacted with the computer and I thought, “Baah Humbug !”. It seems I was wrong, yesterday I came across this fantastic piece of gadget which I want to lay my hands on. Its so tempting that I ultimately ended up pre-ordering, which I would advise you too. You can’t just resist it. Enough with the extolling, time for some description. The gadget is “Leap Motion”. Its a very small device which attaches to your USB port in your Computer and its dimensions are pretty small to fit in your pocket. You can interact with it in the same way as Tom Cruise did in Minority Report and its accurate to even 1 cm, which is awesome. Its powerful sensors make the interface smooth and easy to navigate, even better than Microsoft Kinect or Playstation’s Hand Held controller, so efficient it is. You can sign document, zoom by pinching, play First Person Shooting Games just by fashioning a gun out of your hand and cocking your thumb and much more just by the gesture of your hand. You can even introduce other 3 dimensional objects like a pencil or a chopstick and the best thing is that you need not wear any gloves, the device detects the human hands without the need of any accessory. The biggest surprise to me was the gadget’s price, just $69.99. Isn’t it totally worth every penny. I have ordered mine, I believe if your a tech enthusiast you should order one too.


Smartphone of the year 2012- NEXUS 4

Many of us, including me, are eyeing the most coveted smartphone of the year 2012 i.e. Nexus 4. It has been out of stock since the past 20 days and still no sign for a comeback. This monster sports a 1.5 Ghz quad core processor, 2 GB RAM, 720p Display Resolution, Adreno 320GPU, 4.7 inches of Display size with 318ppi and all of this just for $299 and $349 for 8 GB and 16 GB respectively. It also sports the latest Android OS Jellybean with possibility of up gradation to Key Lime Pie or Kandy Kane(whichever name Google zeros on). I had been eyeing this phone since its announcement, but couldn’t get my hands on because of Google’s ill- calculation with respect to supply making it difficult for people to get the device. The device first came for sale in the second week of November 2012 and selling out in mere minutes, afterwards the device came back 3-4 weeks later again on the Google Playstore but with a tentative shipment time of 5-6 weeks much to our chagrin. Even with such a term to deter potential Nexus 4 customers the device went out of stock again and since then its been out of stock. I’ve been checking the store every 2 days with no good news. Finally I gave up today as I don’t see any point in waiting anymore. A day or 2 back there was an announcement by an LG official at CES 2013 that LG Nexus 4 is one of the many devices which they are going to launch in a few months, so there is no need to give up if one wants to stick to this announcement and we hope Google or LG will not commit the same mistakes when they offered Nexus 4 for sale. For the time being you may satisfy yourself by watching this amazing video of Nexus 4-

“The Blind Side” – An Eyeopener

One of Sandra Bullock‘s best performance among all her movies I’ve seen. It has been a long time since a movie brought tears to my eyes. The movie has a strong universal message of kindness and sympathy which is the theme of the movie, the fact that it is a biographical movie amplifies this message. This is one of those few movies which you would want to stock in your movie collection. When I started watching the movie it wasn’t quite making an impact on me but towards the end it indeed did especially the part where Micheal Oher aka Big Mike carries just a single T-shirt with him as he has no clothes, I don’t know whether the destitution shown in the movie was dramatized or not but the act was convincing enough to bring tears to my eyes. I would definitely recommend movie buffs to watch this spectacular movie.

Miracast Wireless Display

Those of us who have seen Iron Man 2 may not have liked the movie as much as its predecessor but I believe everyone remembers the “uber cool” cellphone of Tony Stark, those of who don’t remember this is the gadget I am talking about :-

The gadget in the movie was nothing but Hollywood CGI but something which may emulate its functionality is already there in the market. The technology that we are talking about is Miracast Wireless Display which mirrors what you are seeing on your Smartphone or Tablet to your HD Television Screen. It should be kept in mind that it is completely different from streaming content. We aren’t talking about just movies or music, we are talking about the entire display being mirrored. In a nutshell it’s similar to connecting your phone to your TV via mini/micro HDMI or MHL minus the wires involved because it’s wireless. As far as the physical appearance of Mr. Stark’s phone is concerned, the wait isn’t long because Samsung has already demonstrated a translucent display which may soon hit the market. As far as Miracast Wireless Display is concerned it is currently available only to a few devices namely LG Nexus 4, LG Optimus G, Samsung Galaxy S III, more devices are expected to adopt this technology soon. This video demonstrates Miracast Wireless Display :-

Windows 8 Review

Windows 8

It’s been quite late for writing about this review but as wise say “better late than never”. About a month ago I upgraded to the latest Operating System from Windows i.e. Windows 8 Pro. I had utilised the $14.99 offer as I had purchased Windows 7 quite recently. The process wasn’t quite complex as I wasn’t required to install it through the boot menu. The installation was as simple as installing a software involving several restarts. The interface is quite impressive though people will find it hard to forget the iconic start button of windows. Several reviewers have thrashed Windows 8, branding it isn’t worth the upgrade or purchase, which I strongly disagree. I am not an epicure of Operating Systems though I have been using a PC since Windows 95 was at its peak. Coming back to Windows 8, its been a month since I’ve been using it and so far haven’t find any flaw. The boot time has reduced drastically compared to its predecessor. Microsoft has even introduced its flagship Windows Store in lines with Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store. The applications are increasing significantly with popular apps from many publishers. The Start Screen already includes some read only tiles which cant be altered such as Mail, Calendar, Windows Messenger etc. In Windows 8 Microsoft has provided a native Push Mail App for your Microsoft Account only. The new features in it include proper syncing of your Microsoft Account for all services similar to Android. Users should be reminded that if you wish to upgrade to Windows 8 you need to upgrade to the same architecture that is 64 bit or 32 bit as your current Operating Sytstem, if you wish to upgrade to a different architecture you need to possess the system builder installer which can be ordered online from Microsoft and various retailers. So far its been the best OS I’ve used from Microsoft. Its Simple, Easy to Use, Cheap and it even has a Genuine Antivirus, What else do you need?